Saturday, September 6, 2008

Labor Day

What better way to celebrate Labor Day weekend than by celebrating the fruit of your literal labor.
Jake spent the weekend hanging out with both sets of grandparents as well as Great Nana. It was a wonderful time and the event is commemorated in photos here. You will note that we are prone to taking 6-7 pictures of the same thing. Each picture more blurry than the next. But anyway, here they are. Happy Birthday, Jake's Grandma!!!
Not to repeat myself, but we are tired. Very tired. Therefore the wittiness of the blog is suffering. So instead we'll say this...Jake becomes more awesome every day. He is weird and quirky and we love that. He is in love with a toucan sticker that is at his changing table. He thinks it's great if we pretend to eat his hands and feet. He looks like Lloyd from Dumb and Dumber when his hair is brushed a certain way. And he's always happiest right before spitting up. He's great.

So that's it...we'll work on getting wittier and more poignant. But no promises on when that will occur. Likely not until Jake is old enough to write the blog entries. Which could be next week. Because, look...that is a little bit of a smile there in the picture below...who knows what he might do next!
Oh...and good news, we've done some work on Jake's room and it looks far better. Even though the main improvement involved a towel rack. Pictures forthcoming.


Happy said...

I'm not sure how I feel about leaving the first comment...I mean really that should probably be a spot reserved for someone who actually knows you....

But I know you in the blog sense now so I am going to steal the first spot.

Loved your slideshow of pictures. I especially liked the one of you reading to Jake in the rocking chair...way to start an early love of reading!

And Dumb and Dumber was a movie certainly overlooked for many prestigous awards and Lloyd totally made the movie!

It's so neat that your son can take on the looks of all these classic actors. I love it!

The tiredness of new parents. I hear it lasts till they go to college, but I keep hoping I'll at least get a reprieve when mine start school.

Do you plan on going back to work or are you going to take on the totally awesome job of being a stay at home mom? You would be great at it, it seems.

Well, I'm getting into the bad habit of this leaving novel-like comments on people's blog so I'm gonna end it here.

Terrific pics, terrific baby, terrific parents.

Joanie said...

1. Cute kid. Love the hair.

2. Cute Mom. Love the hair.

3. Did I say Cute Kid?

Awesome photos. Loved the ones of Jake propped up against his Grandpa on the couch. Just chillin.

Take heart... the tiredness does get better. I am praying for you guys! Can't wait to meet Jake in person!

Crafty P said...

oh aim, i know that tiredness. although sheer exhaustion may be a better term. ugh. it will improve, but I do not know when.

have you "hit that wall" that I spoke about? ready to send Jake to school yet?

gosh he's still so fresh and new and wonderful looking!

you guys are doing great!

Anonymous said...

Dog, I love love love love your hair. Its awesome. SO cute.

That Jake. He's a real superstar. Love the family photos. I also love that you like to take photos of him when he is sitting alone in chair crying. That's funny stuff.

I can't wait until this weekend when I can pretend to eat Jake's hands and feet myself.