Well, we would have liked to have waited a couple more weeks to announce this news...but it turns out we're going to be parents! We're expecting to welcome a little Vile in July. We're getting our fun 18-20 week ultrasound in early March, so we were hoping to post that picture as our announcement, but I think that in our
vacation pictures it might be obvious that we're on our way to parenthood! Look, in this picture we're practicing being parents to a sea cucumber. Those who know us well enough to know our wardrobes will recognize the fact that Amy is wearing Kevin's shirt. Because her belly has outgrown her own clothes and she looks like a sausage. We're about 18 weeks in to the journey, so it's getting exciting!
Stay tuned for some baby updates in the future. If anyone has any advice as to what we should register for and what we should do to prepare, we are very open to suggestions! I can't believe how much stuff a small human requires.
Since we don't have the fun ultrasound picture yet, here are a few of us celebrating back in November when we found out the big news.
Yahoo!!! You are going to be the coolest, most amazing parents! And Luther will be a great older brother/dog!!!! We are so so so happy for you!
YIPPEEEE! I am so excited for the Vile's. My advice, start prepping 'ol Lutha now.
Can't wait to see that belly grow, Kev. OH, I mean, Aim! HA!
Toby says he can't wait to have another playmate. Ashley says to tell Luther, babies aren't so bad once they start dropping their food off the highchair.
Yay! Can't wait to meet Baby McVile!
So glad you recovered your pictures, too! If you can parent a sea cucumber, you can parent anything.
I have been wondering when this news would make it to the blog! Congrats to you both again... just so thrilled! With your ultrasound, will you be trying to determine baby Vile's sex? Love ya!
Congratulations!!!!!! You two will be such great parents!! Love you!
So fun! And I have to say, I can't see your belly at all! We need a close up!
Sorry I haven't gotten back to you on the baby products email. I will work on it!
Love the picutes! You guys are gonna love being parents, especially when the little one lets you sleep thru the night!
amy! i seriously had to read that post about 4 times until i was sure i read what i thought i read! congrats to you and kevin!! yay for four sqaure -- keep them coming and keep us posted! love you!
That is SO exciting, Amy! I am overwhelmed with happiness for you guys - you are going to be such amazing parents! This little one will be born into a family of such love and support and fun and happiness and laughter - what a life to be coming into!
I can't wait to read more posts on how it's all going - hopefully it hasn't been too difficult of a pregnancy so far. And I can't wait to hear name ideas, and see pictures of the cute stuff that you buy for Lil One - what a special, special time - WOW!
So excited for you guys! Now I can properly say congratulations without worrying that I'm somehow spilling the news to the blogosphere! It's so great you got a vacation together and that you recovered the pictures so we get to see!
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