It should also be noted that we have a houseguest this week. His name is Buddy and he is a Boston Terrier. He is a delight. Luther may disagree, but hey, he can't type, so we're saying that Buddy is a delight. Even though this video ends with the guts of the toy rabbit in Buddy's mouth.
Jake is a hoot and he is having lots of fun cruising around. He's not officially walking, but he's pretty darn close. He is on the move and therefore so are we.
Hmmm, let's see, wow, it's been a long time since we've updated. We have also attended the Wine in the Woods event in Columbia, Jake experienced Baby Dedication at church, Kevin evidently has some fabulous green thumb because our yard looks good, we saw Slumdog Millionaire, we found out Jake isn't going to be the youngest of his cousins (congrats, Casey and Chris!), we added some weird branches to our family tree by attending the wedding of Kevin's cousin, who is good friends with my Dad's cousin, which means Jake somehow puts us all in the same family, and I'm sure the list goes on.
And frankly we've had lots on our minds. We've been thinking about finances and adoption and prayer and politics and jobs and...the list goes on.
Which leads me to ask...what's on your mind? (...those in the know will recognize that as a little homage to Facebook...)